Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Standing on Grace

My faith has been shaken. It's true. But not my profession of it, for I do believe. I do know in Whom I have believed, and I am certain of His hand steadfast in my life and gentle on my heart. Yet in my humanity I falter when I look at the waves around me. So I stand, and fall to my knees, on His Amazing Grace.

I don't blame God for things that happen. He is not SENDING me heartache to test or even to strengthen me, yet He does USE my pain and His comfort to build me up to be better and stronger.

We often hear, "God is in control," yet we forget that He is only in control of what we surrender to Him. He does not force His control on us, His children. He does not force His will on this world. We must CHOOSE Him.

He does not force His love and His mercy and His grace on any of us. Yet He is always in love with us. He is ALWAYS at the ready with SHOWERS of mercy and grace.

Hebrews 11:1, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." "NOW" - because it, faith, must be rekindled with each cause to need it. Ephesians 2:8, "For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God." My faith was first given as a gift, and through that faith I accepted the grace to be saved, set free. So are we all. So when I fall on my knees, EVERY time I do - I am showered in mercy and grace. I am refreshed to diligently seek God's kingdom and His righteousness, in the Bible, the Gospel, above any/all other understanding. Because only there - standing on Grace - can I live by faith (Romans 1:17).

My faith is strengthened by consistency in His Word. By Holy Spirit will I rise victorious. In moments, and months, of weakness - I will stand on His Amazing Grace.

From His lap,
