Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 - the year of More Than

A few months ago, as I was contemplating myself, and breakthroughs of 2012 - this is what came to me:
"I am more than blessed. I am more than a conqueror. I have more than I can think or imagine. What comes after breakthroughs and MORE breakthroughs? MORE THAN! "I AM" is more than enough. Dream. Plan. Envision. Write it down. Declare it. Prepare for and expect MORE!!! ☺ ♥"

Since then I've felt that 2013 would be the year of "More Than." More than enough, perhaps. More than expected or believed? Maybe just more than last year. But in my time of training my thinking to focus on the desired outcome, rather than on the problem to be defeated, I realize that it is so important to have a next step. I'm not perfect at renewing my mind yet. It is a continual way of life because we are bombarded with possibilities and choices every day. Half empty / half full? Which thinker do I want to be? I want to be decisive and purposeful. I want to decide to drink it and move on. BUT...I want to be understanding to some degree of those stuck in the half empty mode.

Where does 'more than' come in? Right there. I've learned, and am still learning, to expect breakthroughs and suddenlies. God's divine intervention always comes. He holds the answers, He sees the big picture, He knows the future -- reliance on Him is just how life is lived. Not that I'm anywhere close to perfect in that. I am constantly learning and growing. I am 43 and still learning that my parents still know some things better than I do. (hopefully my almost 22 year old son is realizing the same) So I re-learn constantly about God's provision. But I do know...He has provided. He has broken through barriers that I've set up and those that the enemy has set up. I also know my Abba Father has soooo much more in store for me and for my family.

More breakthroughs are coming...but not simply for the act of tearing down the wall itself. For the action that must be taken beyond that wall. For the lives that will be changed by my stepping through the challenges before me. The race - the journey - sure every step gets me closer to my Lord -- but every step also holds within it the ability, the promise, of effecting dynamic change in someone else. People are the reason. Jesus is the reason for the holiday season we have just celebrated. People are HIS reason for bringing us to and through the seasons.

2013 holds promise. It contains purpose within it's doors and we have, all of us, stepped through them. What will we do with the promise? What will we do with the provision? What will we do with the challenges? What will we do when the tank seems to have been syphoned? We go straight to the Provider, the Promiser, The Word. Because He has MORE THAN we can ask or think planned for us in this year. 2013 will break many records and will show forth His Glory, His Presence, His Passion for His people.

Happy, Blessed New Year!!!  ♥

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