Monday, November 18, 2013

My Boys ~ My Heart

Hunter got straight A+'s. Highest gpa available to him. Overacheiver is he. Diligent worker and information seeker for sure. He's loving basket ball ...something he wanted nothing to do with not too long ago. He is coming out of his shell, he stands up for his brother, and his friends all call him "best."

Aaron's report card was equally awesome. Not the letter grades of his brother....but so much improvement in both effort and results that Mike and I were thrilled. We are all, parents/teachers/service providers/Holy Spirit -- we're all getting through...we're helping him to see his capabilities & he is learning self-control.

This is one teary, happy, deeply inspired mama. My children need me - and God help me I'm meeting those needs. Time? Tenderness? More? Less? Words? Silence? Hugs? Space? What is it they need? Parenting can be called an art, a skill - can be daunting and fatiguing - and so incredibly revealing and greatly empowering. I'm thankful for everyone involved in the growth of my boys. And ultimately in my own growth.

Father God, again and continually I leave my boys in Your strong and gentle hands. Your love and Your grace never cease to bring me to my knees. Thank You for my amazing family, here and in Utah - for taking any trial and every test and using them to refine us. May we bring You blessing and honor and praise, always. In Jesus' Holy Name - Amen.

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